By Professor Echefuna’ Rotimi ONYEBEADI.
To start with, I have not seen the Waziri Adamawa for a while now but, my commitment to the struggle to actualize his presidency of Nigeria is unalloyed. I really don’t need to see him everyday for me to do the needful.
Expectedly, I have been variously attacked even from unusual quarters because of my commitment to the vision for a new Nigeria where nobody is oppressed, rated and/or treated as a second class citizen in his own country; and, particularly, the Restructuring Agenda but, I can’t be bothered because, I have my eyes consistently fixed on the ball and would not allow anything to distract me.
In the last four months or so in particular, I have written over 150 published articles and I have promptly and preemptively responded to over five hundred criticisms on Atiku’s pending presidency and still counting.
At the heat of the electioneering, a nationwide survey was commissioned to monitor and gauge our performance in the political fields which results were promptly published on many “ATIKUlated” fora and far beyond at no cost whatsoever to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar GCON as a person, Atiku Presidential Campaign Council, Atiku Presidential Nomination Council and the PDP.
The undeclared authentic Presidential election results as well as the doctored presidential election results declared, have since justified the outcome of this nationwide survey.
In fact, I have always gotten engaged and involved mainly in what I can do to add value to the system and to make it better instead of what I can get from it.
I have asked for nothing and expect nothing personal safe for the good and wellbeing of my beloved Country, Nigeria.
I feel strongly persuaded that there are many more latent and unsung adherents of “ATIKUlation” who have sacrificed so much and have suffered certain deprivations unnoticed. This article therefore is essentially geared to celebrate these committed “ATIKUlated” unsung heros of our democracy just before dawn. The dawning of a new day for Nigeria is on the way!
Certainly, the last has not been heard yet on this concealed peoples mandate waiting to be revealed. The darkest period of the night is just but a moment to the morning. After the rain comes sunshine! Gain hardly comes without pain.
To you all who believe in this struggle to liberate Nigeria from the threads of fascism, nepotism, parochialism, quantum human bloodshed across the country, religious bigotry, ethnic jingoism and such like, I say: don’t despair! Don’t give up! Atiku Abubakar GCON is coming and very soon! Soon and very soon, there shall be shouts of hallelujah! It is only delayed but certainly not denied!
Now, to the not so faithful, to the recluse, to those sitting on the fence, to the uninformed, to those trending on wild propaganda and disinformation, to the backsliders and to those on the other side, I say: come! Come, let us reason together! All that glitter is not gold! Be not deceived; a Leopard can not change its spots!
It has started again! Over one full calendar year out of four years in office on medical tourism and useless foreign trips. Four years wasted with nothing to show for it safe for hunger, sorrow, pain, avoidable bloodshed and deaths embellished with concealed wild corruption in high places. They have started again!!
Let us all work and pray together to enthrone good governance, sanctity of human life, rule of law, genuine democracy, equality of being, unity of purpose; and, a peaceful, prosperous and fulfilling new Nigeria.
Let us collectively make Nigeria work again!
Watch it! Atiku Abubakar GCON is coming! How? Don’t ask me. God Almighty is at work!
Echefuna’ Rotimi ONYEBEADI.(DBA; PhDs).