October 18, 2024

Governor Okezie Ikpeazu has suspended his Chief of Staff, Dr. Anthony Agbazuere, for spraying money on a prophet identified as Odumeje, at the Abia Government House, Umuahia.

Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Chris Ezem, who signed the suspension notice, didn’t state any reason for the action.

Abia Government House sources toldPointblanknews.com that the suspension is linked with a trending video which captured the Chief of Staff spraying money on Odumeje.

The sources further disclosed that there are celebrations in Abia Government circles over Agbazuere’s suspension. They stated that the Chief of Staff had made many enemies for the governor as well as caused several embarrassments to the state government. They urged the Governor to sack Agbazuere.

“Dr. ACB Agbazuere has made many enemies for the Governor. He has caused several embarrassments to the state government. Agbazuere deserves sack, not suspension. Since his appointment as Chief of Staff, he has been acting like an emperor. Many people were not happy with his appointment because he is not good man. People are celebrating his sack, praying that the Governor converts it to sack. During the time the Governor went on sick leave, Agbazuere was everywhere causing confusion.On several occasions, he even belittled the Deputy Governor, Sir Ude Oko Chukwu, behaving like the Governor.”

Lending her voice to the call for Agbazuere’s sack, the All Progressives Congress, (APC) Abia State, called on the Gov. Ikpeazu to sack the Chief of Staff without further delay and tender unreserved apology to the people of the state.

In a statement signed by the APC State Publicity Secretary, Mr. Benedict Godson, described Agbazuere’s action as a slap of the face of the people.

“The action that led to the suspension demands that he should be sacked immediately. We have been complaining about the irrationality of the officials of this PDP led administration, but people don’t understand. What our people saw on video is just a tip of the iceberg to their squandermania nature.

“What the Chief of Staff to Governor Okezie Ikpeazu did was a huge slap on the faces of Abia Health Workers and other Government workers that are being owed backlogs of salaries. He has insulted workers at HMB, Abia Poly and other people who are dying of hunger. He should be sacked with his sack letter made public.

“Nobody has right to mock Abians in that manner as he did. So, the Government has money to waste while our people are dying of hunger with our state looking like war ravaged zone. The Chief of Staff has money to throw around while our roads are now death traps? What manner of wickedness is this? We’re calling for two things today.

“Let nobody get it twisted, we don’t have any problem with Odumeje. He’s our brother and there’s nobody is South East that’s not aware of that name. But even Prophet Odumeje would have not been happy to see such money thrown at him if he’s aware of what Abia workers are passing through in the hands of this Government.

“I’m sure if Odumeje had visited Aba, and see all the terrible roads in Aba, he would asked Gov. Ikpeazu’s Chief of Staff to keep his money because the Odumeje we all have been seeing is not really interested in such. Governor Ikpeazu’s Chief of Staff just decided to spend money that’s not his in a reckless form and should be made to face the music.”



11 thoughts on “Odumejeje: Ikpeazu Suspends His Chief Of Staff For Spraying Money.

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