October 18, 2024

Gbolahan Salman Sokoto
The Nigerian Custom Service in collaboration with National Agency for food and Drugs Administrative and Control, on Wednesday morning set ablaze large quantum of counterfeit goods certified to be unfit for human consumption.
This is according to the Controller of Custom, Sokoto/Zamfara, Musa Omale,  is in line with the Service Mandate of smuggling suppression.
The Sokoto/Zamfara Area Command conducted the destruction of seized items certified by the National Agency for food and Drugs administrative and Control (NAFDAC) to be unfit for human consumption.
The destruction which took place at Kwanawa Dumping Site Sokoto State was witness by heads of other Security Agencies, which includes Nigerian Army, NSCDC, Nigerian Police among others as well as Government officials.
The Customs Area Controller in his welcome address stated that “Section 245 of NCS Act 2023 empower the Service to seized goods that contravene customs and Excise Laws and be disposed in such a manner the Service directs.
“Disposal of items by destruction as we witness today is carried out as a last resort. These are unregistered smuggled items that the National Agency for Food and drug Administrative and Control (NAFDAC) certified to be unfit for human consumption”
The Controller further warned smugglers to desist from the dastardly act which is inimical to the Health of Nigerians, the Economy and overall Development of the Country.
He further assured that as the gate keeper of the Nation’s Border, the Service will not relent in it effort to ensure that goods unhealthy for human consumption and injurious to the Economy do not see the light of the day.
Items destroyed include unregistered Tomato Paste, Condensed Milk, Alfakher Shisha, Ginjar Tea, Maggi and others
In his remark, the Sokoto Coordinator of NAFDAC, Garba Abubakar Adamu,  commended the NiceService for assisting NAFDAC in the fighting against unregistered food items and drugs.
He said “Any food items or drugs that did not pass through NAFDAC Scrutiny, Registration and approval are deemed to be unfit for human consumption as there Quality and safety are not Guaranteed

3 thoughts on “Custom sets smuggled items certified to be unfit for consumption ablaze 

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