October 18, 2024

People from the Nigerian town of Malam Fatori an its area, close to the borders with Niger and Chad, pass by a car with Chadian Gendarmes (in uniform) as they flee Islamist Boko Haram attacks to take shelter in the Niger's town of Bosso secure by Niger and Chad armies, on May 25, 2015. Boko Haram, which wants to create a hardline Islamic state in northeast Nigeria, has been pushed out of captured towns and territory since February by Nigerian troops with assistance from Niger, Chad and Cameroon. AFP PHOTO / ISSOUF SANOGO (Photo credit should read ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/Getty Images)

The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) Is Intensifying Its Operations To Eradicate The Remaining Boko Haram Terrorists  And Iswap In Specific Locations Within The Lake Chad Basin. Residents Of North East Nigeria And The Far North Of Cameroon Might Observe An Increased Presence Of Multinational Troops And Equipment. This Surge Is Designed To Bolster The Efforts Of Various National Operations And Eradicate Terrorists And Their Enclaves Within The Mnjtf’s Areas Of Operations.

Therefore, The  Public Should Not Panic By These Movements, But To Offer Support To The Troops. The Mnjtf Is Determined To Cleanse The Lake Chad Basin Of All Terrorists, Thereby Ensuring The Safety And Security Of The Region, Ultimately Ensuring A Safer And More Secure Environment For Everyone.


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