October 18, 2024
Benjamin Kalu

…offers free eye treatment, glasses to over 2,000 underserved persons.

Emelam Udo, Umuahia.

No fewer than 2000 persons, were examined, received free eye surgery and given glasses as part of the activities marking the 53rd Birthday of Benjamin Kalu, Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives.

Apart from individuals with one type of eye problem or the order, students from the School for the Blind, Afara, Umuahia North LGA who were part  of Kalu’s Birthday ceremony equally received received treatment during the free eye test.

Kalu used the occasion to promise taking Care of those whose case were curable after the examination.

In his Birthday ceremony christened” Deputy Speaker Ben Kalu 53rd Birthday Banquet with the Underserved,” Kalu said he decided to mark his 53rd birthday with a Banquet for the aged and underserved members of the society at his Bende Country home, in Bende Local Government Area of Abia state.

Kalu said his decision to celebrate his birthday with the under privileged instead of political class from Abuja and beyond was based on Divine direction from God to do it that way.

“God directed me to celebrate this my 53rd Birthday with the underserved persons in the society –the blind, aged, widows, people living with Disabilities, the motherless babies among others. Today, apart from eating from the same pot with the underserved, I will go to my warehouse and bring all the food stuffs stored there so that they will go home with them and some cash.” said Kalu.

Kalu, in his birthday party said from his 54th Birthday, he would continue to celebrate with this category of people who contributed to his being elected into office.

The Deputy Speaker noted that there was no sense packing food in the warehouse while people were hungry hence the need to share them out to the underserved in our society.

He disclosed that the occasion was like celebrating his Christmas with destitutes.

“As a leader, I love seeing smiles on the faces of the people who elected me into office. It is what a leader is supposed to do by celebrating with the less privileged in the society.”said Kalu.

He said that, the celebration of his next year’s Birthday would see him distributing, wrappers, sewing machines and many other empowerment items.

Highlight of the ceremony was the distribution of items which included : Rice, gari, maize, Tomatoes. Noddles, buckets, mattresses, pillows among Others including cash gifts to each the underprivileged persons.

The ceremony attracted the underserved from the 17 Local Government Areas of the State.





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