October 18, 2024
Bello Metalawe

Gbolahan Salman Sokoto

All Progressive Congress Northern Elites Development Group has condemned a Member of House of Representatives from Zamfara state for allegedly  conniving with PDP controlled government of Zamfara state to organized and financed a Youths Protest against the personality of Minister of state defence, Hon Bello Mohammed Matawalle at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC Headquarters in Abuja on Friday.

The Group spokesman Alhaji Hashimu Ado Danmalam stated this while briefing journalists in Sokoto on Saturday.

The group described action of the APC member of the house of representative as unnecessary, sabotage and political intolerance aims to create enmity and disunity through hatred for the progress of APC in Zamfara and Nigeria in general.

“All these sponsored campaigns of columny and mischief against Minister Matawalle are being sponsored by those who are not happy with his performances and continue defense against those perceived political enemies of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the region that are hellbound in destroying his good efforts to Nigerians.

“It is clear that the Honourable Minister of State for Defense  is targeted because of his commitment to the success of President  Tinubu’s renewal hopes agenda and publicly giving these perceived enemies of President sleepless night in defending their government policies with vigor and determination.

“Others include his motivational performances towards achieving success in the fight against banditry in the N’west that has scored much success than before.

“Therefore, we understand that this member is still having a grudge against the Presidency, especially by not supporting his candidature to the speakership; specifically with the way Mr President handled his aspiration to support another person from N’west on principle, thinking it was mastermind by Hon Bello Matawalle, who already in the first place advised him to withdraw for Mr President endorsed candidate, yet he refuses.

“So now it seems like a pay time to go extra miles to sponsored such campaigns against Bello Mohammed Matawalle”

The group further said, “It was a politically motivated campaign sponsored by known groups, who are certain characters from Zamfara, same people who fought against the emergence of President Bola Tinubu in 2023 and now want to down play new music or penetrates Presidency with lies, mischief and mudslinging against the personality of Matawalle

“There is no any justification for the Honourable Member that belongs to same party with Hon Minister going behind the curtain and descending very low with mischief and political propaganda against the good names of the Minister of state defence, a brother and political leader in his own state objectively to achieved 2027 political ambition of contesting governorship position of Zamfara state.

“He was accused with allegedly canvassing support and conniving with the senior officials of Zamfara state government under PDP to hire and sponsored some unsuspecting students from Nasarawa state University and those jobless youths roaming around Abuja for this nefarious campaign

“Amongst almost all the protesting youths that were paid to carry these placards against Bello Mohammed Matawalle or seek for his prosecutions by EFCC none have ever traveled to Zamfara or understand the political intrigues of the state likewise motives of their sponsored.

“Therefore, the group urged National Chairman of the APC Abdullahi Ganduje to order immediate investigations against the handiwork of this particular two-time member of Reps whose agenda is targeted at one of the party’s leaders in the N’west, Hon Minister Matawalle because such acts are wicked thought and cowardly trying to destroyed the peaceful political cohesion in the state”

While supporting the EFCC investigations against any suspecting political office holders, the group caution it against going emotional by such kind of jokers who grieved more than the bereaved to achieved their targets.

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