October 18, 2024


President Bola Tinubu and Vice President Senator Kashim Shettima, along with other government officials, will no longer enjoy exemptions from paying airport access tolls and parking fees, following the approval of a memorandum by the Federal Executive Council chaired by Tinubu.

Announcing the decision after Tuesday’s FEC meeting, Minister Festus Keyamo disclosed that the government was losing significant revenue due to exemptions for VIPs. The memo initially recommended exemptions for the president and vice president, but Tinubu overruled this, insisting that he and the VP, along with their aides, must pay tolls.

Keyamo expressed concern that VIPs who can afford to pay are evading fees, burdening the government with charges from the less privileged. He pledged to end such practices and ensure fair payment, adding that the government stands to generate N10 billion annually from tolls.

Additionally, Keyamo vowed to address instances of uniformed officers harassing airport staff at gates, emphasizing the installation of more cameras for surveillance. The government is also considering a rebate for military veterans as part of its toll collection initiative.

16 thoughts on “Tinubu, Shettima, and Other VIPs to Pay Airport Access Toll and Parking Fees

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