October 22, 2024

The Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Organization (PPCO) says the unprecedented crowd that received its Presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, at the State Presidential rally in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom state on Monday, is a direct statement to President Muhammadu Buhari that he has come to the end of the road.

The PPCO recalls that the energetic crowd at the rally made mockery of the scanty attendance at President Buhari’s much hyped Presidential Flag-off rally at the same venue on December 28 last year, and further confirmed to Mr. President that he no longer commands the followership of Nigerians.

The fact that Atiku Abubakar’s state rallies had always had much more crowd than President Buhari’s campaign flag-off in Uyo, which has the attendance of his supporters from all the states of the federation, further confirms that Nigerians have decided on Atiku Abubakar as the next President of our country.

The deafening cheers, enthusiasm and passion with which the people received Atiku Abubakar in Uyo as against the cold response and sneers that greeted Mr. President at his campaign flag-off, also serves as an eye opener to him that he is only being deceived into thinking that he has any form of support in the Niger Delta region.

The PPCO further recalls the pitiable sight where President Buhari could only slur and failed to articulate any clear message as his rented crowd, which refused to carry APC brooms, abandoned him and started leaving the venue while he was still making his speech.

From the rousing reception being accorded to Atiku Abubakar in all our rallies in the various geo-political zones and states he has so far visited, it is clear that Nigerians, irrespective of states, ethnicity, sectional and political affiliations have attained a consensus on Atiku Abubakar as our next President.

The PPCO therefore counsels President Buhari and the All Progressives Congress (APC) to note the tide and end their desperate shenanigans including the assault on the opposition and our democratic institutions, as such will never change the determination by Nigerians to vote them out of office come, February 16, 2019.

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