February 23, 2025


pomolpsychomaologo@gmail.com (PHONE: 2348165235591)


Love is a universal theme of conscience that is closest in relationship with Life. Humanity always says that God is Love. This concept relates well with the expression that God is Life. Life and Love put in upper case here are synonymous with God. This is because Love and Life are expressed with Mind, which is the active force of Love and Life as God. The theme of Love is narrative in all human affairs in psychology, origination, mathematics, order and logos, that are the five fingers and toes that print the Akashi information of creation. Future narrations will treat PSYCHOLOGY, ORIGINATION, MATHEMATICS, ORDER, LOGOS in the mnemonic for PSYCHOMAOLOGO, as the salve which puts spoken and written words of Life in tongues of Love. PSYCHOMAOLOGO, which is the Book of Life and Love, is perfect and lexical, and alphabetically structural, in the numerical documentations of words of human learning in all languages. Love is the documentary of the lexical structures of Life expounded in PSYCHOMAOLOGO. BREATHE AND BREED, breathes in Life and breeds up Life; by breathing in Love and breeding up Love, because it reaps what it sows.

Love is conceptually singular as a noun. The noun plural of Love is Loves. Singularly, Love is an intense feeling of affection and care shown towards another person. Plural, as Loves, reports as all things in Nature that do good, by yielding Life, and sustaining safe and continual existence of safety of order of Logos in Nature. Love is a deep or abiding liking for something. Love is a profound and caring attraction towards someone. Love is that nature of creation as Life or God that substantiates safety, health, wealth, common good and prosperity as progress affording appreciable values to humanity. Love is the object of one’s romantic feelings towards a darling or sweetheart. Colloquially, Love shows a friendly address, regardless of feelings. As a euphemistic term, Love is a sexual desire or activity defined in all animal coitus. Love is used as a closing remark before the signature, of a letter, especially between friends or family members, or by the young. Love is synonymous with baby, darling, lover, pet, sweetheart, honey, love bird. As a term of address, Love is mate, Lover, darling, sweetie. The antonyms of Love are hate, hatred, angst, malice, spite, absence of Love as a show of indifference. Angst is an antonym of Love that means acute but vague anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression, especially, philosophical anxiety. Angst is painful sadness or emotional turmoil, especially, as teen angst.

Love is a universal bond of attitude that builds safe humanity, whose norms produce conducive communal Life, peace and harmony of humanity in religion, politics, economics and ecological co-existence in good relations of man and woman, and safe-keeping of Life in all living creatures. Love shows great and worm affection as of a child for a parent. Love is a great liking. Love is a beloved person. Love is an English surname relative to the English race. Love is positive as Love; comparative as Lovelier, superlative as Loveliest. Love heals all ailments that pain living things. Love is the Nature that Life employs to heal wounds or change situations from bases to summits of greatness in good values.

Love is philosophically, the virginity of Mind as God, Life, Truth, Substance, Principle, Creation as one wholesome balance. The question for, what is Love, generates issues. Love is not attached to anything unreal or insensitive. Love is a means by which all creation is irrevocably affected because Love touches us regularly as Natural Grace, shared when we breathe air as the breath of Life; when we drink water as the water of Life; when we eat food as raw fruits and herbs of Life; when we walk on Earth as the Land of Life; when we think in psychology and relate creatively in religion, politics, economics, and scientifically, biologically, chemically and physically in those meta-dimensions. Love is in this contention, expansively the parameter that measures the bond of creation spiritually, therefore, relatively physically, sociologically.

Living things live Life. It is not, however, that all living things love Life. Love in this regard can only be measured in terms of human concept of safety of relations existing in the cultural attitudes of living things. Insects that sting demonstrate response to Life by Love of stinging. The natural attitude of stinging will excite human hatred on those insects to hate them. Humanity will then begin insects control to play safety to human race against insects’ bites that could instigate itches and other humeral tendencies. This insects control is a generation of Love to safeguard humanity. The insects are not psychological animals. Humanity is a psychological race that rates insects’ attitudes and controls them. This is a Gender Theory of Love generating human protection in response to furtherance of safe Life and safe Love as safety measures which are the Love of Life done in good. The insects show natural Love and Life by their stings.

Love is the attitude of Earth to generate Life through componential hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, working through carbonations’ land, called Earth, to generate Life, as all living things.  This measurement of Love is a theological continuum of religions and sociology, where humanity thinks of a Creator that has created all things. Love applies Life by thinking attitudinally through humanity to investigate Nature in all dimensions as themes of the Creator. This interprets that the metaphysics of love concerns the changes that assert love through life, as they occur in relationship with human considerations of Truth, Mind, Life, God, Principle, Substance that are synonyms of Love. Meta, in metaphysics, means change, or, transformation as in metamorphosis. Meta is a universal word. In Igbo language, “meta” means: do well, succeed, get right, contain. Physics is the structure of physical creation. “Love” means “meta”, as “do well, succeed, get right, contain”. BREATHE AND BREED remains exhaustively creative and narrative in the rows of items it publishes here! It explores natural philosophy, psychologically, to enhance human mastery of Life in Love, Truth, Substance, Mind as the God of Love.


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