Popular OAP, Toke Makinwa has celebrated her 36th birthday by sharing photos of herself on social media. The radio personality, author, vlogger, and actress took to her Instagram page to share her gratitude for being alive to witness her 36th birthday.
Her caption reads:
“The view from the 36th floor is Bold…….. Get ready for a series of ‘audacious’ takeovers. It gets better from here It’s my birthday I’m on my worst behavior”
She captioned her subsequent post thus:
“03/11. The day I came to be. 36 is the year for signs and wonders. A series of ‘audacious takeovers’ is about to happen this year, I can’t wait. Thank you God for the gift of life, to think I beat the Rona, survived 20/20, there has been so much increase. My life is the real definition of grace. I’m too thankful to see another day. I’m the birthday gyal and I’m going to disturb your timelines today”