March 18, 2025

Former Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar has said Nigeria’s military veterans can’t be repaid for their supreme sacrifices, but their welfare should be treated as a priority by any government.
In his solidarity message on the occasion of Armed Forces Rememberance Day on Saturday, January 15, Atiku said that laying down one’s life in the defence of your country and fellow citizens is the highest sacrifice for the sake of patriotism.
According to him, “soldiers lose life and limb in the course of serving their country”, adding that “Nigeria owes them a debt of eternal gratitude for their immeasurable sacrifices.”
The former Vice President advised the people in government to always give priority to the payment of the pensions and other entitlements of our military veterans as at when due.
He said “it is embarrassing why our veterans should be allowed to be sleeping in the open to protest the nonpayment of their pensions.”
He also advised the government to streamline the payment system of our veterans to avoid the humiliation of recourse to protest the non-payment of their entitlements.”

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