June 26, 2024

Former Vice Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, has responded to recent criticisms from Nobel Laureate Professor Wole Soyinka, asserting that Soyinka’s intellect does not grant him the right to insult others.

In an interview with Arise Television, Baba-Ahmed addressed Soyinka’s comments regarding LP’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi. Soyinka had suggested that Obi’s inability to control his supporters, known as ‘Obidients,’ who often attack those with opposing views online, indicated that he was unfit to lead Nigeria.

Soyinka further accused Obi of encouraging these online attacks, a claim that has stirred controversy. In response, Baba-Ahmed dismissed Soyinka’s remarks as distractions and emphasized that he would not engage in personal attacks.

“You see, intellect doesn’t give you the right to insult anybody,” Baba-Ahmed said. “I remember this Soyinka insulting the late General Abacha, insulting him to the core that he was daft. Nothing gives him the right to do that. Abacha was not an academic. He was a soldier for God’s sake. And a good soldier in his own way, in his own right.”

Baba-Ahmed stressed the importance of focusing on more pressing issues rather than Soyinka’s comments. “I beg you, let’s push Soyinka and his likes aside; we have better things to talk about. Nobel Laureates are loved and cherished by their people. Soyinka keeps getting insulted, and it is his responsibility to maintain his dignity and respect, not Peter Obi’s.”

He concluded by mentioning that he could retaliate with damaging remarks about Soyinka but chose not to. “I could say a few things to Wole Soyinka that could destroy him for good, but I wouldn’t say that,” Baba-Ahmed remarked.

This exchange highlights the ongoing tensions and differing perspectives within Nigeria’s political and intellectual communities.

4 thoughts on “Baba-Ahmed Criticizes Soyinka: Intellect Does Not Grant License to Insult

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