From Sadiq Abubakar
Following federal government’s resolve to enhance the strength and activities of the NPF in the control and management of crimes across the country, and subsequent approval of N13.3 billion for Community policing, Borno Police Command has inugaurated Area Command and 27 LGCs Divisional Headquarters officers and advisers cutting across all the stakeholders.
Innnugurating the committee at the police headquarters, Maiduguri on Monday, the Assistant Inspector General of Police in charged of zone 15, AIG Lawan Ado said ” the community policing initiatives is intelligence base policing initiative aimed at nipping on bud crime within the siciety.”
“The community policing initiatives is to involve all stakeholders in such as traditional rulers, chairmen local government area, hunters, vigilantes, Civilian Joint Task Force ( CJTF), Road transport workers unions, business associations, community based organizations among others in policing their cimmunites”, AIG Ado said
He added that it was a commitment to ensure crime free societyl, the Borno state Police Command has innugurated Area command and Divisional Police community policing initiatives across the 27 local government areas and divisions.
He said ” the committees which include police advisory committee and community policing committee at both area and divisional levels would not only providing intelligence to the police but settle small, small disputes within their communities, thereby facilitate quick depensation of justice”.
In his remark, the Borno State Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Mohammed Aliyu Ndatsu said ” the community knows itself, everyone knows who is who in the community, and should be in better position to report any persons trying to commit the a crime before they commit it.
Similarly, he said the state has 8 Area commands and 27 LGAs and stakeholders were consitutted to work and cooperate with the NPF and giving out prompt intelligence before even a crime is committed.
According to him,the olive now will be proactive instead if reactive as obtained in the past where it wait till crimes were reported for it to investigate if tak action. This time around is wing proactive.
He also urged the community to screened very well the members of the committee, so as not nominate criminals that would undermine the aim of the committee.
” The presence of people of questionable character in the committee will give room for the person to reveal the strategy of the committee to the police rather than giving useful information io the security”, Mohammed said.
The Chairman, Borno State Community Policing Committee, Alhaji Sanda Sherriff said ” I want to assure the police that we will work together to ensure crime free society. We will also be addressing some civil and minor cases at the community level before even getting to police station”.