…as concerns over need to improve immunization records rise
Stakeholders have expressed concerns over low records of child immunization in the country, calling on relevant health and government agencies to step up efforts in enlightenment campaigns towards ensuring that eligible children are fully vaccinated. However, this is coming on the heel of a new survey which has revealed reasons for the low child vaccination. Key findings of the survey are among others that immunization coverage varies dramatically across Nigeria and improvements are needed in nearly every state. Two states (Ebonyi and Enugu) have estimated Penta 3 coverage above the 90% goal. Children are significantly less likely to have received 3 doses of pentavalent vaccine if they are from poor families or rural families or if the child’s mother is younger than 25 years of age or has a low level of education.
In the survey known as Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, (MICS), and National Immunisation Coverage Survey, (NICS), only 39 per cent of children aged 12 to 23 months received all recommended vaccines in the country. The reasons have been identified to include: Lack of knowledge or information, which is put at 51%. Out of this 30% thought the child was fully immunised. Another reason according to the survey, is Lack of time or other family issues, which is put at 24%. In the category, 11% reported mother or caretaker too busy.
Furthermore the survey identifies Service Delivery Issues as one of the reasons and findings show that the gap in service delivery is put at 19%.
Generally, immunization coverage in Nigeria is below the Global Vaccine Action Plan GVAP goals, putting a substantial number of children at risk of vaccine preventable diseases.
However, Nigeria is committed to the GVAP. The country conducted a national survey of routine immunization coverage among children in 2021.