November 24, 2024

His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar lll, has decried that some few elite who think that they must control Nigeria are planning to dismantle the country.

The Sultan, who stated this on Monday in Bauchi during the commissioning of the ultra-modern permanent hajj camp, said that the present situation calls for urgent action by the concerned authorities in order to restore the confidence of Nigerians because there are many “satans” in the country.

He said, “Some people are doing a lot to dismantle this country and I believe we have the duty to rise up to the occasion and challenge those few elites that think they must control this country.

“Let the masses know that yes we have a role to play, we have a stake in this country and nobody can force us to do what they want us to do without our support.

“That is why when my dear brother Sheikh Sanu Yahaya Jingir said that your vote is your power and you can change any government, the only thing to do is to register and vote on the voting day and don’t allow anybody to steal your vote. It is time for you to reorganize and re-strategize and have an excellent leadership in this great country,” he stated.

The Sultan explained that leadership is from Almighty Allah, adding that “He expects us to be just, fair and equitable to all. We should know that one day we will all give an account of our stewardship in the hereafter. It is important for us to discharge our leadership responsibility to the best of our ability and leave the rest to Him.”

The Sultan also charged leaders at all levels not to allow the prayers of the oppressed Nigerians to go up to God which may lead to negative consequences against them.

He added that leaders should always strive to do what the people want because it was the main reason they were voted into power by the people, stressing that what was needed in the country is excellent and purposeful leadership.

He stated that, “There is the need to promote peace and peaceful co-existence in the country because it is only in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity that development and progress can be made. If you see how we relate during our interfaith meeting, you will understand the essence of peace and peaceful co-existence.”

In his remark, the Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, thanked the Sultan for honouring the invitation and disclosed that the camp was constructed at a cost of N658 million with all the facilities it contained.

Mohammed added that the camp would be put to commercial use in order to make it self-sustaining.

He stated that the camp is for both Muslims and Christians.

19 thoughts on “Sultan accuses some elite of using insecurity to dismantle Nigeria  

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