February 24, 2025

By Sani Ibrahim Taura

The Jigawa state Government House has become a theatre of terrible dictatorship, tyranny and crass despotism for quite some time. Cabals had been in power and walked the corridors of power.  But with the coming into power of the democratically elected Governor Badaru  Abubakar Babura, about four years ago, a new  leadership style was witnessed in Jigawa state. Interestingly, the state has charted a new path of political emancipation, inclusive governance, economic emancipation and rural transformation.

Truth be told, Badaru’s emergence marked   the beginning of the fall of the past Government house dictators- the erstwhile “chief of staff” to the governor “Mallam” Aminu Ringim, and others.

The fall of  “Mallam”  began with the electoral   defeat of the hitherto autocratic Lamidiyya ruling dynasty  (Governor Lamido’s hegemony).The APC SAK “Tsunami” holistically chased  all  Mallam’s kitchen cabinet out of power in government house Dutse. It was a revolution that has sent a signal that the wind of change will continue to blow undemocratic elements in Jigawa state. From what we can see there seems to be No going back, Mallam’s dictatorship will no longer rear its ugly head.

Indeed, Jigawa people are witnessing a new regime of meritocracy, due process and rule of law. It is pertinent to note that Badaru who was an entrepreneur of repute has been leading the people using  team -work and with such team spirit he carries along Barrister Ibrahim Hassan Hadejia, Deputy Governor who has been in public service in different positions. Hadejia is now, a senator -elect. The new deputy  governo, Namadi was state Commissioner of Finance. He is pragmatic and a dedicated servant.

In the next few days  we look forward to their reelection.  What that means to all Jigawa people is that the next elections would be a litmus test. It would manifest that Mallam is no more than a councillorship aspirant. With the yet –to- be celebrated team of two professional accountants as Governor and Deputy, we are hopeful that the existing policy issues would be brushed, redesigned and refocused but new ones would be created to add value to such projects as Fadama and irrigation projects, agro-allied enterprises revival and development programs, farm settlement schemes and livestock development programmes. The cluster farming should continue and agric revolution should also take centre stage. Continuous provision of rural feeder roads and related rural infrastructural projects would help open up our rural areas to link the towns and cities.

It is not out of place for many jigawa citizens to expect that Badaru’s government would open up more rural feeder roads linking villages and towns more than the intercity town roads being prioritized at the present.

These are vital to industrial development challenges of this millennium. Rural electricity and some town electrification projects should be continued under Governor Badaru’s regime, whereas the need to provide alternative energy sources should be tapped to make Jigawa fulfill the necessary and mandatory   requirements of social infrastructural challenges to industrial growth. Provision of water via pipe-borne, boreholes and innovative open well water should also be prioritized, the need to make water, sanitation  and hygiene equally important ingredients to support industrial growth and agricultural transformation cannot be overemphasized.

Innovative approaches to agriculture should involve programs that can introduce improved seedlings, new breed and improved variety seedlings, imported foreign varieties of agricultural plantations,  seedlings, transplants and government assisted irrigation projects. Jigawa soil texture is different and all analyses that would introduce compatible crops and garden plantations that will encourage irrigation farming should be prioritized. Sorghum, millet, cassava and maize are the important crops habitually cultivated in Jigawa whereby farmers utilize them as food crops and some make commercial quantities as cash crops. The improved crop farming and gardening by wooing agriculturalist as professional consultants from outside the state would add fortune to the existing research findings and the work of the state owned professionals.  Artificial formation/inseminations of livestock via improved livestock development by   directly engaging the main stakeholders- rural Fulani herdsmen and women in Jigawa state should also be given attention. Milk producing Nomadic Fulani should be perfectly integrated in the new agricultural initiatives as a way of tapping all resources persons capable of improving the economic fortunes of their host community. Badaru’s  government should scrap construction of capital intensive housing estates, but low cost houses will provide a cheaper means of affordability to the majority   low income civil servant and other private sector civil society residents of the state.

The educational policy of Badaru’s administration should continue to focus more on teacher   motivation, training and welfare. While teachers shall be well remunerated with leaving wages via extraordinary motivational salary increment schemes, non formal training through mass education should continue as being prioritized. I advise for the construction of large number   mass education schools and   classes conducted per senatorial districts in the state.

Instructional materials like books and electronic library should be opened to make Jigawa integrated in the information age.

Infrastructural upgrading of schools at all levels and improving the existing tertiary institutions should to be given attention.

The construction of additional class rooms in all schools and renovating all existing dilapidated school infrastructure at all levels in the state will be a step in the right direction.

The redundant youths comprises those that are educated and those who are yet to receive western education. The uneducated class constitutes the majority of the population that should be empowered with vocational training and skills acquisition programmes and projects. Small scale enterprises development by improving existing SMEs in the state via government interventions has hitherto seriously assist in engaging the unskilled youths. Learn skills and assisted initiatives should continue. The engagement of lowly educated youths with entrepreneurial skills and empowerment should not discontinue. The educated youth groups should be encouraged to further their education with timely scholarships. Enlightenment and awareness via career guidance cannot be over emphasized. Therefore,  government should continue to enforce the ban of Banga (Political bandits and thuggery) and engage those partakers in useful socioeconomic ventures as a preventative measure.

The need to tap the existing IT infrastructure developed by the defunct Turaki in Jigawa state will make the new Badaru’s regime moving in a multifaceted government of all priorities. Government e-learning facilities should be opened all around the development areas where electronic libraries should be provided for all class of people to have access to knowledge and outside educational environment awareness. Also, sound policies should be made in such a way that computers will be readily available to  pupils of all age groups. While congratulating the new regime change in Jigawa, we pray that the new government will fulfill its electioneering promises of new beginning via innovative approaches to economic development and rural transformation of Jigawa state.

Taura, ex- aide to governor of Jigawa state, wrote from Yadi Dutse, Jigawa state.

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