June 8, 2024

The 73rd edition of the FIFA Congress, where a Presidential election is due to take place, has been scheduled for Kigali in Rwanda on March 16 next year.

An election timeline was approved by the FIFA Council at its meeting in March in Doha, where current President Gianni Infantino announced he would stand for re-election.

Infantino, who is an International Olympic Committee member, was first elected as FIFA President in February 2016 in the wake of the corruption scandal which brought down predecessor Sepp Blatter.

The Swiss-Italian then won a second term when he stood unopposed for re-election at the Congress in Paris in 2019.

Infantino has enjoyed particularly strong support from Africa during his Presidency,

This has included the Confederation of African Football (CAF) supporting the idea of a biennial World Cup – something Infantino has now moved to distance himself from – and the CAF publicly backing Infantino when he faced backlash over comment he made suggesting the proposal could help prevent African migrants from finding “death in the sea”.

South African Patrice Motsepe was elected unopposed as the new CAF President at a General Assembly in Rabat last year.

Motsepe’s election followed Presidential candidates Ahmed Yahya from Mauritania, Ivorian Jacques Anouma and Senegal’s Augustin Senghor dropping out of the race – each after meeting with Infantino.

Infantino denied influencing the election, but also claimed to be “delighted that FIFA has been able to contribute, even if just a little, to this crucial moment for football on this great continent” when it was confirmed that Motsepe would be able to run for the Presidency unopposed.

Infantino currently has no challengers for the Presidency, although his ties with Russia and Saudi Arabia have caused concern in some quarters over whether he is fit to serve as President.

The deadline for candidacies is four months prior to the Congress.

Kigali has already hosted a FIFA Council meeting in October 2018, but its selection as the destination for the Congress will not be without controversy.

Same-sex marriages are not recognised by the state in Rwanda, and activists say that while homosexuality is not outlawed, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community regularly face persecution.

FIFA has celebrated Pride Month but is preparing for the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal, and claims the tournament “will be a celebration of unity and diversity.”

Qatar also hosted this year’s FIFA Congress.

The treatment of Paul Rusesabagina will also give rise to criticism over the choice of Kigali as Congress host.

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention states Rusesabagina has been illegally kidnapped, tortured, and sentenced after an unfair trial.

In August 2020, he took what he believed to be a flight to Burundi from Dubai but arrived in the Rwandan capital and was arrested on nine charges of terrorism that related to his association with the National Liberation Front political party.

“It is clear on the facts that Mr Rusesabagina has been targeted by the Government on account of his work as a human rights defender, because of his criticism of the Government on a broad range of human rights issues, including unfair elections and a lack of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of the press,” stated the Working Group.

“He has also challenged cases of arbitrary detention, torture and extrajudicial killings”

Rusesabagina worked as the manager of the Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali, during a period in which it housed 1,268 Hutu and Tutsi refugees from the Interahamwe militia during the Rwandan genocide.

His actions, which are credited with saving the lives of hundreds of refugees, were made famous by the film Hotel Rwanda.

The 68-year-old was sentenced to 25 years in prison last year.

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  48. すべての機能を利用するにはJavaScriptの設定を有効にしてください。JavaScriptの設定を変更する方法はこちら。 日向坂46加藤史帆、全編ハワイ撮影の1st写真集決定 水着&ランジェリー撮影に初挑戦 よって、BTNのほうが強い役を持っていたため、この勝負はBTNの勝ちで、ポットの96ドルは全てBTNのものになりました。 日本では、クローズド・ポーカーと呼ばれるポーカーがプレイされているが、日本では多くの場合間違ったルールでプレイされています。日本ではカード交換を行った後に一度だけベット(チップの賭け)を行いますが、カード交換後のベットでは、プレイヤー達は自分の持っているハンドの強さに応じてゲームから降りるかどうかが決定できるので、戦略性が少なくなっています。  自分の能力を問われて思い浮かぶのは“確率の感覚”です。ポーカーでは、場に出ているカードや自分の手札から、有利・不利の確率を直感する力が大切です。 ポーカーのダブルアップ中に獲得できる宝箱の中にはコインが入っていて、鍵の数が多いほどコインの量が多くなります。少ない配当の時などは積極的にダブルアップに挑戦して、宝箱と配当アップを狙いましょう。 この時点では場のカードは表示されず、場のカードを見ない状態で勝負をするか、降りるかを決めます。勝負をする場合はチップを賭けることになりますが、降りてもスモールブラインド・ビッグブラインドでなければ全くノーリスクなので、余程勝てる自信のある手札でなければ降りるのが得策です。(各ターンに取るアクションは先述の6つのアクションうちのどれか。)
    ダブルアップでは、以下のように確率を重視して「High」か「Low」を選ぶのが重要です。 何も役がなくチェンジする場合は、小さな数字のカードを交換し、大きなカードは残すことが基本になります。ポーカーで同じ役の場合は、基本的に数字の大きな役が勝ちになりますので、数字の大きなカードを残す方が勝つ確率が高くなります。 以上が基本的なポーカーの種類になりますが、クローズド、オープン、フロップのそれぞれ今回ご紹介しきれなかった派生形がある他、これらの3種に含められないもの、例えばワイルドカード(ジョーカー)を加えるワイルドポーカーなどや、人以外とプレイするビデオポーカーなどもあります。 【大阪】✨KKUNIVERSE✨KKPOKER公式LIVEポーカールーム こういう場合って、$13$ を $1$ 枚だけ交換すると思います。 スタッドポーカーと通常のドローポーカーの大きな違いは「表向きカードの有無」および「カード交換の有無」の2点です。 ポーカーと一口で言っても、実は大きく分けて3種類のゲームがあるという事をご存知ですか?ポーカーの手役と成立確率をご説明する前に、先ずはそれら3つのポーカーについて大まかにご紹介しておきましょう。先ずはクローズド・ポーカーです。カジノに行ったことがない層だと、ポーカーと言えばこのクローズド・ポーカーを思い浮かべる方が多いでしょう。

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    Amazon just slashed the price on several of the best Keurig coffee makers of 2023. Here are the top deals you can get right now. Also, casualties will have to be treated on the battlefield in a future war in the region because a large medical facility “in the rear,” or away from the front lines, would present a juicy target for the enemy, he noted.  The regulatory deficit has led to poor transparency. But observers say that massive volatility in the country’s stock market and relentlessly high inflation rates have led to a large number of Iranians sinking their savings into cryptocurrencies as a hedge against eroding purchasing power. Sanctions targeting Iran’s aging oil and gas industry have compounded the challenges, leaving Iran unable to sell its products abroad, including its low-quality, high-sulfur fuel oil known as mazut. If the hazardous oil isn’t sold or shipped it must be swiftly burned — and it is, in 20% of the country’s power plants, according to environmental official Mohammad Mehdi Mirzai. The smoldering fuel blackens the skies, particularly when the weather cools and wind carries emissions from nearby refineries and industrial sites into Tehran.

  94. A three-judge panel of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in Washington last week ruled that the SEC was wrong to reject Grayscale’s proposed bitcoin ETF without explaining its reasoning, in a case that has been closely watched by the industry and which briefly boosted the price of bitcoin nearly 7%. CoinDesk. “Gensler Says Most Crypto Trading Platforms Need to Register with SEC.” In recent months, there has been a barrage of cryptocurrency news owing to market turbulence and piecemeal regulatory developments. The cryptocurrency market—a $1.7 trillion industry that has grown substantially in the last decade—still suffers significant volatility. Moreover, cryptocurrencies fall into several regulatory gaps as federal regulatory oversight of the market is severely underdeveloped.
    If you can get the altcoins you want using a fiat-to-crypto exchange, your mission is accomplished. However, usually fiat-to-crypto exchanges have a very limited selection of altcoins, so what you seek may not be there. That is why there are many so-called altcoin (crypto-to-crypto) exchanges. Note that while you have the option of getting a crypto wallet, you can also use a broker that specializes in cryptocurrency investing – like Webull. Webull lets you trade crypto for free, and your coin is housed with them, so you don’t have to worry about having a separate wallet. From there, you can buy and sell your cryptocurrency like you would a stock. The only reason why Hotbit is on this list is the number of cryptocurrencies it supports. It’s not the best crypto exchange when you consider other important factors like liquidity, fees, and security. However, with more than 1549 coins, it’s the single crypto exchange with the most coins.

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