March 7, 2025

The branch maganer of Kebbi state corporate affairs commission in Birnin Kebbi barrister Hamza Yusuf has said that, from January to date they have registered at least 300 companies and cottage industries in Kebbi state.

Speaking in his office in Birnin kebbi said that people are now getting more aware on the need for them to register their business names and companies as provided by the constitution, he added that registered companies or cottege industries will benefit from intervention programmes of the federal government like the small scale and medium enterprises (SMSEs).

He stressed that they have an SMSME  clinic meant for the people of Kebbi state which will make the beneficiaries to become self reliant and employers of labour in the long run,he therefore urged owners of cottege industries to use the opportunity to develop their trades.

Hamza decried some existing companies who refused to bring to the commission their annual turn over  which will  make the commission to know how many companies are still active and those that are not,the essence he said is to know the financial status of the companies and possible reasons why they to fold up.

He noted that to get number of cottege industries to increase in the state his commission and its sister agency NAFDAC worked together to make registration easy and affordable for the people of the state.

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