June 17, 2024

As President Bola Ahmed Tinubu approaches his one-year anniversary in office, opposition parties, including the Labour Party (LP), have expressed strong dissatisfaction with his administration’s performance. The opposition has criticized Tinubu for failing to fulfill the promises he made on critical areas such as the economy, security, power, and the removal of petrol subsidy.

On his inauguration day at the Eagle Square, Abuja, Tinubu had made significant commitments, including the now-famous statement “subsidy is gone,” which has continued to resonate within Nigeria’s economic discourse. Nearly a year later, many Nigerians are questioning how much of these promises have been realized.

Tinubu’s Inaugural Speech Highlights

In his inaugural speech on May 29, 2023, President Tinubu emphasized his dedication to the nation and his confidence in its people. He acknowledged the hardships faced by Nigerians and urged unity and resilience to overcome challenges and build a better society.

“My Fellow Citizens,

I stand before you honoured to assume the sacred mandate you have given me. My love for this nation is abiding. My confidence in its people, unwavering. And my faith in God Almighty, absolute. I know that His hand shall provide the needed moral strength and clarity of purpose in those instances when we seem to have reached the limits of our human capacity.

This day is bold and majestic yet bright and full of spirit, as is our precious nation. As a nation, we have long ago decided to march beyond the dimness of night into the open day of renewed national hope.

The question we now ask ourselves is whether to remain faithful to the work inherent in building a better society or retreat into the shadows of our unmet potential.

For me, there is but one answer. We are too great a nation and too grounded as a people to rob ourselves of our finest destiny.

This nation’s journey

4 thoughts on “Fireworks Over Tinubu as Opposition Parties Score Him Low One Year On

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