July 27, 2024

By Chinweuba Wachukwu

God has called us and designed us to rest from physical labor. In the Old Testament we saw God’s own pattern of working and then resting: And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done” (Genesis 2:7).

When Sen.T.A.Orji in 2019 announced that he will not contest for the Senatorial seat of Abia Central Senatorial Zone again at the expiration of his tenure in 2023. Many received the news with mixed feelings, some school of thought were skeptical. The thinking at the time was that, before 2023,  Ochendo might reconsider his decision. But they were wrong as Ochendo has stood  by his words and will happily exit office come 11th June 2023.

To Ochendo, political office holders don’t need to wait to die on seat when there are young vibrant men to take over the baton of leadership. The facts remains that nobody has monopoly of Knowledge and Political Power.

By voluntarily throwing in the towel, Sen.T.A.Orji has further endeared himself to the people. He is leaving office at a time when he is still sound minds. And he is the first Senator from Abia State to honourably quit the stage when the ovation is loudest. He has proven to be truly PAPA UKWU.

The major problem in Africa is of leaders who do not want to leave office, believing that he/she is the only person qualified to rule.

The truth is that, Senators have unlimited tenure and can remain in chamber for as long as they are re-elected n general election.

With the laudable achievements/infrastructural development, Annual Scholarship program, Free Eye Surgery and Skills Acquisition Programs of Sen.T.A.Orji in Abia Central Senatorial Zone and beyond and his outstanding/quality representation at the red chambers, if Sen. T.A.Orji  had contested for the Senatorial seat for the third time, he would have been re-elected over and over again.

Senator T.A.Orji is currently the most productive Senator, Abia Central Senatorial District has ever produced since 1999 till date. He has successfully changed the narrative of his constituency.

At the red chambers, he was outstanding. He sponsored over 15 bills and moved more than 7 motions. Four of his bills have been signed into law by  President Buhari. Worthy of mention is the SB 256 A bill for an Act to Provide for the Establishment of the Nigerian Center for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) etc.

Ochendo was rated the third most productive Senator in the senate since June 2016 till date.  He was also rated the “Highest in Legislative Productivity” in a report card of the 9th Senate Volume one number one(June 2019-May 2020).

Other awards include: The Most Distinguished Senator of the year 2021  by Inter Africa Committee Worldwide.  “SENATOR OF THE YEAR 2018” by Authority Newspaper. “Most Performing Senator of the Year 2017” by Vanguard Newspaper etc.

Because of the numerous infrastructural development Ochendo has put in place in his constituency, Abia Central Senatorial Zone has become a yardstick that other constituencies are using to measure the performance of their representatives.

PAPA UKWU as he is fondly call, has left his footprints in the sands of time and will be greatly missed in the red chamber.

He has boldly and firmly etched hIs name in gold in  the minds of his constituents and beyond.

Sen.T.AOrji has left an indelible mark on the political history of Nigeria.

Today in Abia State, every time Ochendo’s name gets mentioned, the people start clapping, and hailing so loudly that the windows of the hall or canopy shake.

What a blessing that the mere mention of a person’s name would make people smile!

“OCHENDO, You Came into the Political Arena of Abia State in 1999, You Saw, You Conquered”.


To God be the Glory


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